This is my baby, Oscar. My husband and I adopted him from an animal shelter on June 12, 2000. He is about 2 years old.
He is a great cat. He's got big ears, silky white fur and some gray rings on his tail. He definitely loves attention.
He rubs up against my leg when he wants some loving. Or he will start meowing. If he isn't getting enough, he will let you know!
He definitely has mommy trained well! :-) ; |
Oscar has become quite spoiled! He loves when the backdoor is open. He stands up against the storm door
and watches the outside world. Especially all the birds that come to feed. If the door is not open, he will meow till someone opens it.
And don't get me started about the windows! I opened the windows to air out the house and he took up residency in the sill until I had to close them at night.
This was our little baby that we had to get rid of. Someone my husband works with rescued this kitty from the engine of a car.
My husband knew how much I wanted a kitty, so he brought him home. He had burnt the pad on his paw but otherwise wasn't hurt. We thought of what to call him and the only
word that came to mind was trouble. So that is what we named him. Careful when naming an animal! Trouble would get into everything and destroy everything.
He lived up to his name and we had to unfortunately got rid of him. He was definitely a cutie and I hope he is happy in a new home. ; |
My other baby that I left behind at my parent's house. His name is Marmalade. But we either call him Marm or Puter. He's about 14 years old.
He's a big cat but so full of love. He's a puppy cat. He tries to talk like a human (and boy does he talk!) He follows you around and he is a great cuddler. He seemed to always take a liking to me.
Maybe because I gave him more attention. He loves being outside in the sun. He could sunbathe all day if we let him. |
Tasha is my mom's 6 year old Samoyed. We got her when she was just a little puppy. My mom spoils her rotten! :-) Tasha doesn't like being left alone.
And she will remind you of that. She has learned to get in the garbage and spread it all over the house. As a welcome home gift. But you can't stay mad at her for long
when she give you that sad puppy eye look. ; |
Tasha and Marm relaxing together. Marm is sleeping on Tasha's bed. Course Marm sleeps where ever he wants to. :-)
They are best of friends. They sleep near each other most of the time. And they love playing together. Tasha usually starts it by nudging Marm till he rolls onto his back.
Marm usually swats at Tasha. But pretty soon after they start, Tasha usually gets a claw in the nose and gives up. Sometimes Marm will even lick
Tasha's nose afterwards. |